Production of secure printed security tickets and passes for sell-out events; music, sport, exhibitions.
All vouchers can feature overt & covert printing technologies.
We have considerable experience in printing for these occasions. Combining our expertise with the latest security techniques and print processes, ensure that all event tickets are extremely difficult to copy or compromise.
Please get in contact with us for your free quotation.
» Get your FREE quote hereAll types of ticket printing including:
✔ Sports match tickets
✔ Launch and VIP event security tickets
✔ Boat & Motor shows
✔ Music, Live Bands & Art Festival ticket printing
✔ Horticultural show event printing
✔ Tickets for large events & matches – football, theatres, tennis & rugby.
Single or multi-day access passes for security controlled entry to events such as party political conferences, music concerts, matches, athletic meetings and large events printed on security papers.
Our range of printing techniques and associated products include:-
✔ Numbered & Barcoded – Database, Sequential & Static numbering
✔ Bleed through inks
✔ Branded Lanyards
✔ Clinglock – Wristbands
✔ Covert & Overt Security Features
✔ Fugitive Inks
✔ Security Hologram application
✔ (OVD’s) – Optically Variable Devices
✔ Invisible UV Inks – That show under a black (UV – Ultra Violet) lamp
✔ Spot Varninshing
✔ Magnetic inks
✔ Security Paper with UV fluorescing fibres & flecks
✔ Custom watermark paper
✔ Split Duct Printing
✔ Thermochromic Inks – Heat Reactive & Sensitive Thermo Ink
We can personalise all documents using a high speed laser. This personalization enables us to include such detail as gate and seat number, pricing, event and date.
We can pre-print customer names onto the security tickets from pre-supplied database information.
At SEAREACH® we pride ourselves on our ‘zero defect’ policy. This means that our customers can be assured that when the job is delivered there will be no missing tickets and no incorrect number sequences.
All our work is produced to the demanding (APACS) standards that are set by our customers in the financial market sectors.