Posted: 12 September, 2013 Category: General

Scottish Emergency Rider Volunteer ServiceHaving just read the news about the theft of a laptop from Scottish Rider Volunteer Service (ScotsERVS) (see article here), it shows how important to have your critical IT equipment properly marked and identifiable.

Having your laptops in secure safes is great, providing they stay there, but these are only usually stored when it isn’t being used in the field. Ironically, out in the open is where you are at the highest risk.

A lack of contact details and identification information means that it is very difficult to reunite the owner, should the device be found by an honest individual or handed into the police.

We dare say that the device has been encrypted for access, so how can it be returned if you are unable to ascertain who is the rightful owner? Quite often property is auctioned off, or destroyed.

The only way to help with these problems is by using an asset tag, of which Seareach can can offer you a solution. See our asset tags here.

If you feel that your organisation is taking the risk of lending and sharing equipment without having measures to protect against theft then you really must consider marking it up.