Working from Home

Security Worries & Fairness Stop Over 50% of Staff From Working at Home

Category: General

In the age of the internet and options of remote access for workers, over 50% of office-based staff are unable to work from home. A recent study by an online security label manufacturer discovered that, although many people could easily work from home, the majority are unable to due to security fears from bosses. GDPR […]

Tagging equipment in a plant room

Asset tagging & identifying plant equipment

Category: General

When creating an asset register, it’s easy to think about the obviously high value IT kit (e.g. computers, servers and portable equipment as found in offices and server rooms), but you should not overlook the infrequently seen workings of your estate. All around your buildings – placed on roof tops, corners and hiding behind ceiling […]

Britvic asset register sticker

What should be on asset register stickers?

Category: General

Many of our customers ask us what information they should include when designing asset register stickers, so we thought we’d write a quick post outlining the most common features. ‘Property of’ or ‘Serviced by’ are probably the two most popular titles used, that are present on the top of the asset tag. Your company or […]

Stealing from your business

White-collar crime: Is someone secretly stealing from your organisation?

Category: General

It’s easy, with a business of any size, to prioritise security against outside sources and ensure your place of work is safeguarded against thieves and wrong-doers. With expensive technology such as projectors, tablets, laptops, computers and important company data, many business owners spend thousands ensuring their office becomes impenetrable. However what about the risks that […]

Scottish Emergency Rider Volunteer Service

Laptop Theft may have Health Implications

Category: General

Having just read the news about the theft of a laptop from Scottish Rider Volunteer Service (ScotsERVS) (see article here), it shows how important to have your critical IT equipment properly marked and identifiable. Having your laptops in secure safes is great, providing they stay there, but these are only usually stored when it isn’t […]